Saturday, January 14, 2023

Karen's Japanese Literature Challenge 2023


#JapaneseLitChallenge16 #JapaneseLiterature

This year I plan on participating in Dolce Bellezza's ~for literary and translated literature~ blog's Japanese Literature Challenge which is in its 16th year. It is a reading challenge that occurs in January and February of 2023 only, and the idea is pretty straightforward. Read as many books as you like in those two months. (Even if that is ”only” one.) Make sure the work was originally written in Japanese. Choose from classic to contemporary works, whatever appeals to you.

Once again, I'm going to try to read one book for each month of the challenge, plus one.

Here are my choices:

Before Your Memory Fades (Before the Coffee Gets Cold Series, #3) by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

Snow Country by Yasunari Kawabata

Penance by Hiromi Kawakami

<b>Japanese Literature Challenge 17</b>

JAPANESE LITERATURE CHALLENGE 17 #JapaneseLitChallenge17 #JapaneseLiterature This year I plan on participating in Dolce Bellezza's ~for...